Every American everywhere and every single Democrat in America who care about saving our democracy from Trump and his autocratic sycophants must read and use your book "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game" AND the book "Stories are Weapons" Psychological Warfare and the American Mind" by Annalee Newitz.

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I want to add: if you ever have a chance to see the flick “The Seventh Cross” starring Spencer Tracy, don’t pass it up! It comes around a few times each year on Turner Classics. I swear, I learned half my knowledge about WWII and F’n Nazis on TCM through the movies of the 1930s and 40s. So many of the actors & directors were early refugees of pre-WWII Nazis and the whole terrible business. THESE ARTISTS WERE INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO WARN US. Warner Bros. Studios stepped up, big time, and they pulled no punches. They knew how soft, isolated by geography & naive we were, and that our citizens were already under the spell of a powerful gaggle of Nazi infiltrators & sympathizers.

Anyway, when I saw The Seventh Cross it was the first time I understood that Hitler opened Dachau concentration camp as a test case, long before he honed in on the Jews in particular. Anyone who looked cross eyed at The Mad Mustachioed Wallpaperer, or made a crack overheard by one of his snitches was summarily disappeared & interred at Dachau - majority non-Jewish. Just assorted local normies who had started to wonder about the direction things were taking. The movie follows 7 of these innocent souls (only one Jew) who escape Dachau, and the variety of citizens they encounter along the way - from collaborators to go-along-get-alongers to the network of antifa heroes working the underground and risking everything to resist the Anschluss.

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