WOW ... Rachel, I listened as soon as the email arrived. Enlightening to say the least. I heard the same message that I've been saying ... "Democrats are TOO nice!" and we are the ones who lose seats since we don't have a message. Hoping all of us working with you can gain seats during the midterm which is normally not the case, but what is normal today? Certainly hope the results in the Georgia run-offs favor the Dems. We can only hope and pray VOTERS show up today!

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Thank you so much! This runoff has already taught us a lot but will teach us even more with the results

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Rachel, everything you say is music to my ears! These voters remind me of folks I knew growing up in the deep South. Many Dems do not truly understand the complex fabric of rural southern culture and its counterparts in the rest of rural America, and the working class in general. A culture that is rooted in the old Cavalier image. At the bottom of it is a desire to be LEFT ALONE to live without the Federal Government telling them what to believe, and what to do, and what to say. Those are the "interests" they are voting for. I realize many fellow Democrats find it puzzling that hard-core Trump supporters can call themselves patriots while parading around with a Confederate battle flag. But it makes perfect sense to those of us who grew up in the belly of the beast. As the old saying goes - American by birth, Southern by the grace of God! Over the next two years we must find ways to convince as many of these voters as possible to realize that they have been bamboozled by the modern GOP while also bringing the hammer down on the radical anti-democratic radicals. We must constantly tell them we are not taking away their guns, or their religion, or their sense of honor but we are focusing on policies that benefit all Americans. That we are patriots in the original sense of the word. And this might rattle some of my fellow Democrats, but we should present arguments for social welfare policies as being rooted in New Testament values as well as the General Welfare clause. I hate mixing religion with politics, especially after watching the GOP co-opt the Evangelical movement for their own cynical political gains, but we must speak to these voters in a language they understand. It's time to destroy the modern GOP's ability to win elections, and then they will finally clean house of the crazies within. Here endeth the rant.

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BTW - I'm only focusing on the types of voters in this podcast and not suggesting we have to focus all our efforts on Trump supporters! But we cannot ignore them completely.

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Good stuff. Wanted to hear what he had to say about Kansas, but I guess now I’ll just have to read the book... :)

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Good stuff, Rachel. But please--get the services of a proof-reader! Too many run-ons, fragmented phrases, etc.


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Yes- I know. Bear with me a bit at the lift off y'all. I really had to come out from gas fumes here but as soon as we get rolling and the other job officially starts (the Pac) I will be able to afford editing!

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Jan 5, 2021
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The secret in OH and across the lower Heartland is to get white voters to see the connection between Republican control of their states/cities/counties & the decimation of them. Right now they blame largely "boogeyman" factors, that yes matter a lot! But the Republican Party has had the keys to the car for more than 20 yrs in a lot of these places, and complete control in a lot of cases. They used that power to undermine these communities further economically- I mean- they pulled a fast one on rural voters- abused their trust. Rubbed elbows and shared Bible hymnals with them, & the whole time they're telling them they were fighting for them, to preserve their way of lives and defend them, behind their backs, in dark rooms they were robbing them blind-intentionally undermining the very programs, infrastructure, and investments rural areas needed to grow NOT shrink. To thrive, not compress. To adapt, not shrivel. When you look at places that have broken the mold, that HAVE thrived despite the collapse of manufacturing its because of the above & ALL of these places share more in common w Blue areas than Red. The reason the rhetoric constantly shot at the GOP base about Democrats is so heated & over-the-top is bc Rs are terrified of their own voters looking, REALLY looking at what's going on in areas that are thriving- who's running them, and what is happening in them. BC if that happens (and now, thanks to us, it WILL be happening) it's going to trigger some uncomfortable questions for GOP lawmakers as to why they've done B when A is so much more effective.

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